Recent publication (s) | A31. Soares, L.M.V., Desgué‐itier, O., Barouillet, C., Casenave, C., Domaizon, I., Frossard, V., Hairston, N.G., Lami, A., Lemaire, B.J., Saulnier, G., Soulignac, F., Vinçon‐leite, B., Jenny, J-P., 2024. Unraveling Lake Geneva’s hypoxia crisis in the Anthropocene. Limnology and Oceanography Letters. A30. Jenny J-P, Millet L, Lauerwald R, Colas F, Masclaux H, Prairie Y, Regnier P, Ali AA, Arnaud F, Carvalhais N, Chanudet V, Chapron E, Durand P, Domaizon I, Dambrine E, Dellinger M, Etienne D, Gaillardet J, Galop D, Gateuille D, Giguet-Covex C, Itier-Desgué O, Jezequel D, Lyautey E, Marquer L, Mazier F, Mazure T, Messager E, Poulenard J, Rius D, Sabatier P, Saulnier G-M, Simonneau A, Soares L-V, Tran-Khac V, Verneaux V, Ciais P (2024) DEEP-C Consortium: Carbon sink or methane source – local to global scale assessment of lentic waters’ role in the climate system. Research Ideas and Outcomes 10: e136661. A29. T Mazure, G-M Saulnier, V Chanudet, P Sabatier, M Bajard, F Arnaud, and Jenny JP (2024). Transient erosion crisis accounts for half of soil exports in the Alps during the Holocene. The Holocene A28. Desgué-Itier, O., L Soares, L., Anneville, O., Bouffard, D., Chanudet, V., Danis, P. A., Domaizon, I., Guillard, J., Mazure, T., Sharaf, N., Soulignac, F., Tran-Khac, V., Vinçon-Leite, B., Jenny JP. (2023). Past and future climate change effects on thermal regime and oxygen solubility of four peri-alpine lakes. HESS. A27. Banjan M, Christian C, Pierre S, Hervé J, Manon B, Francois D, Develle A, Jenny JP, Fanget B, Malet E, Nathaniel F, Alain P, Didier J, Bichet V, Clapot S, Messager E (2023). Did the Younger Dryas to Holocene climate transition favour high seismicity rates in the north‐western Alps? Sedimentology 70 (2), 538-568 A26. Baud A, Jenny JP, Francus, P. et al. Global acceleration of lake sediment accumulation rates associated with recent human population growth and land-use changes. J Paleolimnol 66, 453–467 (2021). A25. Nzekwe, O.P., Lapointe, F., Francus, P. Jenny JP et al. A new ~ 900-year varved record in Lake Walker, Québec North Shore, eastern Canada: insight on late Holocene climate mode of variability. J Paleolimnol 67, 35–57 (2022). 24. Jane SF, Hansen JA, Kraemer B, Leavitt P, Mincer J, North R, Pilla R, Stetler J, Williamson C, Woolway R, Arvola L, Chandra L, DeGasperi L, Diemer, Dunalska J, Erina O, Flaim J, Grossart HP, Hambright K, Hein C, Hejzlar J, Janus L, Jenny JP, Jones J, Knoll L, Leoni B, Mackay E, Matsuzaki SI, McBride C, Müller D, Paterson A, Pierson D, Rogora M, Rusak J, Sadro S, Saulnier-Talbot E, Schmid M, Sommaruga R, Thiery W, Verburg P, Weathers K, Weyhenmeyer G, Yokota K & Rose K. (2021) Widespread deoxygenation of temperate lakes. Nature. A23. Jenny JP, O Anneville, F Arnaud, Y Baulaz, D Bouffard, I Domaizon, S A. Bocaniov, N Chèvre, M Dittrich, J-M Dorioz, E Dunlop, G Dur, J Guillard, T Guinaldo, S Jacquet, A Jamoneau, Z Jawed, E Jeppesen, G Krantzberg, J Lenters, B Leoni, M Meybeck, V Nava, T Nõges, P Nõges, M Patelli, V Pebbles, M-E Perga, S Rasconi, C R. Ruetz III, L Rudstam, N Salmaso, S Sapna, D Straile, O Tammeorg, M R. Twiss, D G. Uzarski, A-M Ventela, W F. Vincent, S W. Wilhelm, S-Å Wängberg, G A. Weyhenmeyer (2020) Scientists' Warning to Humanity: Rapid Degradation of the World's Large Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research. A22. Jenny JP, S Koirala, I Gregory-Eaves, P Francus, B Ahrens, V Brovkin, A E. K. Ojala, B Zolitschka, J Bader, N Carvalhais (2020) Reply to Rao et al.: Human societies began to play a significant role in global sediment transfer 4,000 years ago PNAS doi: A21. E. Taranu, SR. Carpenter, V Frossard, I Gregory-Eaves, Jenny JP et al. (2019) Can we detect ecosystem critical transitions and signals of changing resilience from paleo‐ecological records? Ecosphere doi: 20. Jenny JP, S. Koirala, et al. (2019) Human and climate global-scale imprint on sediment transfer during the Holocene. PNAS doi: A19. G Evin, B Wilhelm, Jenny JP (2018) Flood hazard assessment of the Rhône River revisited with reconstructed discharges from lake sediments. Global and Planetary Change doi: A18. N Dubois, E Saulnier-Talbot, K Mills, P Gell, R Battarbee, H Bennion, S Chawchai, X Dong, P Francus, R Flower, D F. Gomes, I Gregory-Eaves, S Humane, G Kattel, Jenny JP, et al. (2017) First human impacts and responses of aquatic systems: a review of palaeolimnological records from around the world. The Anthropocene Review doi: A17. Fabien A., J. Poulenard, C. Giguet-Covex, B. Wilhelm, Jenny JP et al., (2016) Erosion under climate and human pressures: An alpine lake sediment perspective. Quaternary Science Reviews. A16. Lapointe F, P Francus, SF Lamoureux, M Vuille, Jenny JP, and R S. Bradley (2016) Influence of North Pacific Decadal Variability on the Western Canadian Arctic over the past 700 years. Clim. Past Discuss doi:10.5194/cp-2016-118 A15. Jenny JP et al. (2016) Urban point sources of nutrients were the leading cause for the historical spread of hypoxia across European lakes. PNAS doi:10.1073/pnas.1605480113 A14. M-E. Perga, S.C. Maberly, Jenny JP et al. (2016) A century of human-driven changes in the carbon dioxide concentration of lakes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles doi:10.1002/2015GB005286 A13. Jenny JP et al., (2015) Global spread of hypoxia in freshwater ecosystems during the last three centuries is caused by rising local human pressure. Global Change Biology doi:10.1111/gcb.13193 A12. ME Perga, V. Frossard, Jenny JP, F. Sylvestre, et al., (2015) High-resolution paleolimnology opens new management perspectives for lakes adaptation to climate warming. Front. Ecol.Evol doi:10.3389/fevo.2015.00072 A11. Naffrechoux E, Cottin N, Pignol C, Jenny JP et al., (2015). Historical profiles of PCB in dated sediment cores from the greater French subalpine lakes (Geneva, Bourget and Annecy) : an indication of contamination source. Environmental Science & Technology doi:10.1021/es5043996 A10. Jenny JP et al. (2014). Inherited hypoxia : A new challenge for reoligotrophicated lakes under global warming. Global Biogeochemical Cycles doi:10.1002/2014GB004932 A9. Jenny JP et al., (2014) A 4D sedimentological approach to reconstructing the flood frequency and intensity of the Rhône River (Lake Bourget, NW European Alps). J Paleolimnology doi:10.1007/s10933-014-9768-4 A8. Frossard V., Verneaux V., Millet L., Jenny JP et al., (2013) Reconstructing long-term changes (150 years) in the metabolism of a clearwater lake using the stable carbon isotope composition (δ13C) of chironomid and cladoceran subfossil remains. Fresh Water Biology doi:10.1111/fwb.12304 A7. Berthon V, Marchetto A, Rimet F, Dormia E, Jenny JP, Pignol C, Perga ME (2013) Trophic history of French sub-alpine lakes over the last 150 years : phosphorus reconstruction and assessment of taphonomic biases. 72(3) : 417-429, Journal of Limnology doi: A6. Frossard V, Verneaux V, Millet L, Jenny JP et al., (2013) Depth-specific responses of the chironomid community to contrasting anthropogenic pressures : A paleolimnological perspective of 150 years. Freshwater Biology. Freshwater Biology doi:10.1111/fwb.12243 A5. Jenny JP et al.,(2013) A spatiotemporal investigation of varved sediments highlights the dynamics of hypolimnetic hypoxia in a large hard-water lake over the last 150 years. Limnology and Oceanography doi:10.4319/lo.2013.58.4.1395 A4. Frossard V, Millet L, Verneaux V, Jenny JP et al., (2013) Chironomid assemblages in cores from multiple water depths reflect oxygen-driven changes in a deep French lake over the last 150 years. Journal of Paleolimnology doi:10.1007/s10933-013-9722-x A3. Giguet-Covex C, Poulenard J, Chalmin E, Arnaud F, Jenny JP, Dorioz JM (2013) XANES spectroscopy as a tool to trace phosphorus transformation during soil genesis and mountain ecosystem development from lake sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta doi: A2. Alric B, Jenny JP et al., (2013) Local forcings affect lake zooplankton vulnerability and response to climate warming. Ecology doi:10.1890/12-1903.1 A1. Savichtcheva O, Debroas D, Kurmayer R, Villar C, Jenny JP, Arnaud F, Perga ME, Domaizon I (2011) Quantitative PCR Enumeration of Total/Toxic Planktothrix rubescens and Total Cyanobacteria in Preserved DNA Isolated from Lake Sediments. Appl Environ Microbiol doi:10.1128/AEM.06106-11 |